When Life Get's In The Way

Isn't that the most annoying thing? You're going along, minding your own business, the all of sudden, you realize that life got in the way of the things you love to do? You don't even realize it's happening until it's too late, either. You wake up one morning and think "you know, I just to really enjoy blogging, I wonder why I stopped?" Then you remember, life got busy and as bad as it sounds, you neglected those things that used to mean so much to you.

So, what have I been up to for the many months I've been away? Working, mostly. I started a cleaning business to bring in a bit of extra money and that actually was a fantastic job for me. I was making lots of money, which is always good and keeping busy. But then, my legs gave out and now I'm not cleaning anymore. I really don't like getting older. :)

So, now I'm in a course to become a Rogers phone help specialist (fancy way of saying I'm the one who will answer the call when you have a problem with your bill). The wonderful thing about this job, is it's work from home. Yup. I'll be able to sit right here at my computer and make money while still being available to my children and my husband, keep house, and be a mom. What more can a girl ask for? If you're interested in a job like this, go to Arise.com and read more about it. You can't go wrong, it's all legit and above board and within a few weeks, if you do things right, you'll be able to work from home. Isn't that wonderful??

My daughter graduated high school last month. I'm not sure when she got all grown up, but there it is. Isn't she beautiful?

Finally, my daughter and I have started on a new venture. It was her idea, and since she's getting older and I'll do just about anything to ensure that we still have a relationship and do things together, I said yes immediately.

She wanted to try her hand at making jewellery. So, I stretched the budget, purchased some supplies and started twisting some wire. Here are a few things we've come up with.

Blue Spiral Pendant

jewellery, jewelry, pendant, blue, wire, necklace

Blue Sprial Drop Earrings

earrings, jewellery, jewelry, blue, wire

Blue Spiral Necklace

That's just a few of the things I've made. If you're interested and would like to see more, we have a Facebook page. If you like the page and want to order something, you'll get a nice little surprise in the package! Just message me on Facebook and let me know you're a fan.

Well, that's about it, really. I'm very happy to have found this again. I can't wait to reconnect with all of you!


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